Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I spent a day with a pastor in India. I won't tell you his name, but he was an unassuming,but deeply committed man of God. After coaxing by my trip guide, he finally fessed up that he had baptized over 5000 people in his ministry. He had just returned from a 350 km trip to baptize two people out of the area of persecution so that they wouldn't have to suffer.

He has been beaten, stabbed, and jailed for his preaching of the gospel. We were there to help facilitate some additional church planting. He said, "I know that if we plant more churches it will raise the awareness and probably cause more persecution, but I have been praying that God would provide more churches and if necessary, I am willing to be beaten, stabbed, go to jail again and even to die if that's what it takes for people to hear the gospel."

I am humbled. A preacher, willing to give his life, willing to ride 250 miles per month on an old motor scooter to "circuit ride" to the churches who have no pastors. I may not see this brother again in this life, but I'm sure we will meet in heaven and rejoice together.

Most of the time we when we talk about bruised reeds, we are thinking metaphorically, but in this case, it was real bruising. It is very Jesus-like. "He was bruised for our iniquities" also real.

What would you do?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reflections from India

Having returned from India I am amazed at the juxtaposition of social brokeness and joy in the Lord. I preached at a Burmese refugee camp. These are some of the poorest of the poor, yet they are joy-filled with hope in the Lord.

These people live 10 to 12 to a dwelling-usually a single 12'X12' room with community bathrooms somewhere in the building. Because they can only earn $40 per month and rent is $30 per month, it is usual for three generations to live in the same place.

They work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week with little protection from their employers who take advantage of them.

When I worshipped with them, their joy was real, their smiles warm, and they welcomed us into their homes. For them a mansion in heaven is more desirable than what is here on earth. They eagerly await the coming of their Redeemer.

Broken but not crushed. We are the people of God.