One of my favorite bumper stickers. I’ve been reading some of the Holy Week scriptures. This morning Matthew 24 was my choice. Living in California, not too far away from the fellow who is predicting that Jesus will come on May 12, my thoughts were caught by Jesus words-- no one knows the day so stay alert! Jesus could come in 23 days, 23 hours, or 23 years. We live on a long driveway, so when we are expecting company we often look to see if they are coming. I want to live my life with a sense of expectancy that Jesus is coming.
It is so easy to be lulled into complacency and figure that I’ll get around to sharing the good news with my neighbors, I’ll get around to reconciling with my enemy. Jesus tells us that if we are hard at work when he comes, we will be among the blessed. So, I’ll be alert, looking for the return of my Savior and I’ll stay busy, living out, though grace and the Spirit, God’s call on my life.
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