Americans seem enthralled with the strong loner. The reality is that none of us do well in a vacuum and all of us need to belong. For the past 8 years, since Stadia was formed, I have had the privilege of working with a team that has made us all better. When things go well, you have people around to celebrate the victories. When things are tough, there is no place better to be than in the middle of people who love and care for you.
For me, being part of a team is a natural. I'm a relationship sponge and have rarely met someone I didn't like. For others, it takes a bit more work. But, it is worth it.
It's not rocket science, it just takes connecting with people, caring for them, and letting yourself be open, honest and vulnerable to them. Sometimes it will not be reciprocated, but most often, the rewards far outweigh the risk. If you don't have a family or team to which to belong, start now to build one. Take the initiative. You'll be glad you did!
Thanks, Stadia team, for being my family.