Friday, December 23, 2011

Our 2011 Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas from
Marcus and Jan Bigelow
Oh how a year changes things.  We are filled with thanksgiving for all of you, our friends and family.  

This year began with the discovery of a place in the country that allows four generations of our family to live together.  It hadn’t been lived in for over a year, but it had enough room for Jan’s folks, Fred and Carol, Jan and Marc, and Nathan, Amy, Zach, Luke and Josh Cherry to thrive.

So, on Feb 28, we moved to Penryn, CA (Our new address is 1490 Sisley Rd., Penryn, CA 95663.  Our new phone is 916-663-9141).  It’s only about 10 miles from our former residence, but it’s a world away.  

We now live on a “farm-ette” complete with snakes, deer, owls, Canada geese and ducks on our own pond on 2.5 acres.  You can see our place at

Amy and Jan have become quite self-sufficient, making their own laundry soap, yogurt, English muffins and growing many of our vegetables.  The boys are in paradise with great places to roam. They have built a tree fort with their Dad--all in all a great place to live. 

In July, I left Stadia after 15 years to begin a ministry to Christian leaders in ministry and in business doing LifePlans (what does God want to do with my life) and Strategic Planning.  It’s still in the startup stages and we are learning to walk by faith—again.

In October, Jan’s folks finally moved in after we finished the renovations needed on their apartment.  Our girls and their families are all doing well.

Cara and Patrick and 3 of our grandchildren still live in Lincoln and we get to see them often. Evan, their oldest, entered high school this year. Samantha is in 6th grade and Andy in 3rd grade.  They attend a local charter school.

Zachary and Luke started school at Penryn School this year and are really enjoying 4th grade and Kindergarten.  Penryn school is a K-8 and we really enjoy the small town atmosphere. Josh (3 in February) is still home and keeps us in stitches with his funny sayings. (Check out Jan and Amy’s Facebook pages for regular laughter.)

Anna and Jonathan are doing well in Chile and we are eagerly anticipating a winter visit with us in a few weeks.

We are thankful for God’s presence in our lives as never before.  We pray this year will bring you the joy and peace that only Christ can bring.
Marc and Jan Bigelow