Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good saying

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Heard it this morning on a Zen sportstalk radio (it's Northern California--give me a break).

Years ago, Dr. Bryce Jessup, after one of my wild-eyed vision talks, gently said to me, "What is your plan?" "A vision without a plan is only a pipe dream." Those words have served me well.

Vision casting and more importantly, vision fulfillment always requires hard work, sacrifice, commitment and dying to self.

For church planters, it's often easy to have vision. I often must be reminded to count the cost before I start building the tower. By disciplining myself,(which is not as common as I'd like, I am able to avoid vision-hopping. When I don't I find myself jumping from one dream to another and nothing gets accomplished except frustrating those around me.

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