Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chile update

Dear Friends and Family.

This is day 5, since the big quake.

I share with you a few details and my heart.

The days we are living seem unreal.  My heart breaks thinking of those who still have not contacted loved ones, are still missing, who have lost everything, who are waiting for food, basic supplies like toilet paper, diapers, something to drink.  The roads are horrible, and the city of Concepcion is living under curfew for all but six hours a day, under military control.  We are struggling to know what to do and how to help.

There is a team of men who are preparing to travel south, with supply packs to help families in need, and look for missing persons.  They are not sure yet if they can travel into Concepcion or not, because of closures and law enforcement.  The desperation has led to looting, rioting, robbery, and it is heartbreaking.  People are having to defend what is left of their homes, fighting with whatever makeshift weapons they can use for defense.

And I was able to do our laundry today.  I ate lunch today.  I went to the wholesale store across the street from where I'm now living, to help buy rice, pasta, toilet paper,  matches, etc.  I cleaned a bathroom here at the house.  I call on the name of Jesus to bring peace and provide relief for those who are suffering.

Some good news.  Our neighbors, whose first floor apartment appeared in the previous pictures I sent, were able to get almost everything out of their apartment.  Fernanda and Felipe were married in Nov, just starting out.  Jonathan and I had talked this morning, and I had told him I was thinking of suggesting this couple to those of you who had asked me how you could help us personally.  I had explained we didn't really need anything at this point, but didn't want to not provide another option.  This morning, I prayed about suggesting Fernanda and Felipe to some of you who asked.  And God reminds me that he is so BIG.  Before we can even ask, he surprises us sometimes.  I am grateful for a glimmer of goodness as today, I have been very sad about what is happening in the south.  When I stop and think about it, 

sadness creeps in.  

Please pray for the potential team that is preparing to travel down.  

We should know more by later this evening, but they will need special permission from the authorities to be out on the streets out of curfew.  And we are not sure it  is possible for them to even arrive there.

One friend of ours, a dentist who lives in Concepcion and served for almost a year in the Women's Center in the Middle East, finally made contact with us by text message.  We are grateful.  she is Ok, but says that in Concepcion, everything has been horrible.  She asks for prayer for those who are suffering and the conditions there.

There are many families that are still missing or unheard from.

I will write more as soon as the decision is made about the team's travel.  And anything new that presents itself.

Thanks for being with us.  We need you.

Anna (with Jonathan) and our team here.

Posted via email from marcusbigelow's posterous

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